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August 11, 2020

Greetings, Macedonia Family and Friends!

As I announced Sunday, this week is Gethsemane for Macedonia! For those who don’t know, Gethsemane is a week when we close down the edifice; and, as a collective body, rest.  Essentially, we take an exit ramp from the fast-paced highway of church business, administration, and ministry to spend time with God and our families.

Sometimes, we get so caught up in “working” for the Lord, we lose sight or miss out on opportunities to simply commune with Him; similar to the sisters, Martha, and Mary, in Luke 10:38-42. Martha, busily making preparations “that had to be made” expressed frustration to Jesus that her sister, Mary, wasn’t helping her. Instead, Mary was sitting at Jesus’ feet. Jesus responded, telling her that Mary has chosen what is better and it will not be taken away from her.

Despite ALL the things that NEED to get done in our lives, we must not lose sight of what is better for us — taking time out to sit at the feet of Jesus, submitting ourselves to Him, seeking His guidance, and relishing in His love for us. Jesus never forgot! He often slipped away to be alone with God. He did it for the following reasons:

1. To prepare for a major task.

2. To work through grief.

3. Before making an important decision.

4. In time of distress.

5. To spend time in prayer; and, 

6. To recharge.

Whichever of these describes where you are in life right now or what you’re dealing with in your life, I pray that you carve out alone time to spend with God.  Remember this:


I don’t know about you, but I’m tired and I need a break. Since the start of this pandemic I have experienced all six of the reasons Jesus separated Himself from others to be alone with God. With everything going on this year, I have had to push through the storm. This week, I welcome uninterrupted solitude; knowing I will not be alone because God will be with me.

Remember, the church building and office are closed; but there is a pastor and a deacon on call for emergencies. Sunday is Youth Sunday. They have been working super hard and I’m excited to see how they are going to bless us.

Finally, and I can’t overemphasize the importance of our participation, FILL OUT THE CENSUS FORM!! ASK FOR HELP if you need it!! If you know someone who you think might need help, HELP them!  If you know someone who for whatever reason hasn’t done it, ENCOURAGE them and HELP them do it! We will feel the impact of your action or inaction for the next TEN YEARS!! BEING COUNTED MATTERS!!  

In closing, there is an old Negro Spiritual that says, “The wicked shall cease from troubling. The weary shall be at rest. ALL of the saints of the ages, shall sit at His feet and be blessed!”  That time is coming Saints! Until then, we must press on! Have a blessed week! Pray for me, my family, and our Macedonia family and friends! We are praying for you! And once again, TIME SPENT IN SOLITUDE WITH GOD IS NOT TIME SPENT ALONE.

Peace & Love,

John L Brooks

NOTE: If you missed any service or Bible Study, they are accessible on the sites below!


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