November 21, 2020
Greetings, Macedonia Family and Friends!
What can be said in times like these except KEEP THE FAITH!! HOLD ON! YOU CAN MAKE IT! GOD WILL SEE US THROUGH!! YOU ARE NOT ALONE!
Yet, we know all this is easier said than done. I get it! That’s why it’s so important for us to stay connected!! For guidance and reassurance, we can look to the early church and how they stuck together when Nero, an emperor who HATED Christians and did everything in his power to eradicate Christianity, burned them on crosses, fed them to lions, chopped off the Apostle Paul’s head, and on and on. In spite of ALL that, Christians persevered. They kept the faith. They supported each other. They didn’t give up!! We must do the same despite financial uncertainty, social unrest, this horrible pandemic, and not to mention the election turmoil.
We must look to Jesus, who is the Author and Finisher of our faith. We must support each other, pray for each other, and check on each other. More than ever, we must stick together; confident that God still is on the throne and in control. Believe in Him! Stand on His Word!
In times like these I am reminded of the words of this hymn:
In times like this these
We need a Savior
In times like these
We need an anchor.
Be very sure
Be very sure
Your anchor holds
And grips the solid rock…
Peace & Love,
John L. Brooks
Sunday School at 8:30 a.m.
Worship Service at 9:45 a.m.
Youth Sunday School via Zoom at: